Keep an eye out for PixelHaze on 99 designs

The Squarespace marketplace will be opening on 99 designs this week and due to our status as a Squarespace Authorised Trainer, PixelHaze will be one of the first companies to feature in this brand new section. 

2019 is going to be a huge year for us and we will be offering a range of group web design workshops throughout Wales and the UK and online Squarespace courses (the Masterclass) to an international audience. These new training programmes will of course be in addition to our core service offering of web design in Mid and South Wales. We aren't going anywhere! :)

What is 99 designs?

99 designs is an online market place where small business owners can gain access to a range of graphic designers, web designers and illustrators all over the world, based on a customised search.


Introducing Tech Tips - short, snappy video tutorials based on your requests


Squarespace Online Training Courses with PixelHaze